
Thank you for dropping by my humble blog, where I jot down my memories. It's a place for me to look back and smile at the stuff I did in the past.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Diva - Help! My son, 8, is in a ‘relationship’

Diva - Help! My son, 8, is in a ‘relationship’

Kids these days are so exposed to matters that we were ignorant about when we were their age. They can read up about stuff that they do not know from the internet. They can watch "instruction" videos about things that arouse their interest. Gone are the days where kids have to ask their parents about things that they do not know. Gone are the days where we parents can give them vague, dismissing (don't ask; go and play with your toys) or weird answers (isn't "we found you at our doorstep one day" weird?).

I have a colleague with a 5 year old child, who already "likes" a couple of girls at his kindergarten! How early is that?!

I don't believe that we should dismiss their questions, but should answer them truthfully in a manner that can they can understand at their age. Haha! I don't know what I'll do when Caleb asks about the birds and the bees. But I do hope that he'll be at ease enough with me to ask. I hope that I do things right enough that my son will want to share about his 'relationship' with me.

Because it is only than that we as parents can check their growth, give them the right information, and hopefully, help to steer them in the right direction.

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